So life got a little bit in the way here, but I think I only missed the first 30 minutes of this presentation. I didn't miss much did I? Doom? Wolfenstein? Whatever the heck Battlecry is (my instinct is that it's Battlefield Heroes)?
Anyway, I saw the trailer of Dishonored 2, which I'm not into, but it looks almost predictable. Predictably good, but still predictable. I'm not a big fan of stealth kill games.
Elder Scrolls Legends is a smart match, I like strategy card games and Tamriel, so why not? I used to play Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, and I think I'm the only one in my city who owns Eye of Judgement. Also with the success of Hearthstone, as the instant e-sport, maybe Elder Scrolls Legends will be big too. I just don't think I could call it ESL, sounds too much like English as a Second Language, TES:Legends would be better.
I liked the "Todd Howard Presents Fallout" section at the end. Fallout 4 will DEFINITELY be an upgrade from the last Fallout games, and as a big surprise it will be a HUGE upgrade from Skyrim's engine, with an even better looking house builder, or rather a town builder, with a tower defense element. The Build-a-Face with no sliders looks cool, but makes it harder to repeat a face, or share a face. Also auto-generated babies are something I wish could happen in real life, I'm starting to get impatient to meet our baby (My wife is now 25 weeks pregnant, or "HALFWAY BABY!" as I like to call it). Of course sleeping for 200 years and almost no changes in your neighbourhood besides destruction is CREEPY! There is no way anyone can befriend a dog that fast, or train it to fetch already. I think the new Pip Boy is genius, with game tapes, making an excellent vessel for mini-games, and it really is a throw-back to Commander Keen, with the Pong Watch. Heh, good times. The fact that they made a phone carrier Pip boy in real life to be shipped with special editions of the game is genius as well. And having a second screen app to go with it, that links up and does what the Pip Boy does in the game is a great addition for some really die-hard fans. I had some fun with the GTA 5 one but didn't like the Mortal Kombat one. The weapon crafting will make for a broader experience, and give some of us completionists nightmares. The whole crafting thing of grabbing something in world that contains or embodies and type of material, like using a microscope for glass and a wrench for steel is a much better way to implement than having only certain items be scraps for crafting with.
Now we get to the one thing we've all been waiting for..... Fallout Shelter? Well... Yeah! I've been saying that I'd rather be building the vault than scrambling out of them and shooting stuff since Fallout 3 dropped. And it's out now!! For FREE!!!!
Has Bethesda's First E3 Press Conference passed mustard? Yes, and not just because Pip Boy is a real thing now.
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