Monday, December 10, 2012

Steam (iPhone)

So like everyone else who plays steam games on pc and owns an iPhone I signed the petition to get friend chatting on the iPhone.  Fortunately for all of us Valve decided to give way more than just chat.  You can browse groups, see friend activity, browse the Steam Catalog (a.k.a. Store), your wislist, fill up your cart, checkout and have the game ready for you at home, and use the steam store search.  Oh, yeah and there's steam news, store account info, app settings and a way to log out (either for security or cause you share your iOS device).

I'd like to go through each and every section but I'm not prepared to type 12 paragraphs.  My most used features are Friends, Catalog, Cart, and Search.  Friends works much like your friend list on the desktop Steam (Mac or PC), it lets you see who's online, playing what, and chat with them.  Catalog is essentially built for the iPhone.  Cart is your shopping cart, you need to go in here to pay for your purchase that you got from either Search or Catalog.  You can use all the same checkout methods as when you are on your computer, and when you do finally get back to it you can download the game there.

Now I do have to say that it isn't seamless with the desktop app.  Chats do not propagate across, and sometimes when you exit the app, chats will pop up as notifications, and sometimes they just don't.  I'd like to say it's stable, but my copy has crashed just before checkout, and then I had to start over searching for my game again.  Not a big problem, but occasionally annoying.

Passed mustard.

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